Contact us
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us by email or using the form from below.
As this is not a big company, just a small project, it could be that it takes several days until you will get an answer. Please be pationt, we will get back to you, we promise!
Get in touch!
You can find us on the address from below, or use the form from below to contact us. Due to increased number of spam emails, we decided not to publish our email address.
Address: The Time Keeper, Str. B-dul 1 Dec. 1918 Nr. 221/19, 540469, Targu Mures, Romania
Contact Form:
Request A Quote
We have limited availability of our products. In case you need more than 1-2 pieces, please contact us to discuss the details.
In case you need a custom upper copper plate (with your company's logo, etc.), let us know!